Where zen is my middle name.

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Laval, Québec, Canada
DTC:14.03.2007 - LID:02.04.2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Obsession

Ramblings from a sleep deprived future dad.

I think my daddy is obsessed somehow. Not only he contantly thinks about coming over to China to get me, but everything reminds him of the adoption. The most insignificant word or phrase read in a magazine or the internet without any meaning whatsoever has a strange way to relate to this virtual non-yet-existing relationship. I don't think he can honestly help himself. It is a constant reminder that THE day will come and the celebration will begin... The fun part is when he goses out looking for it. Well, he's not realy looking, but he puts himself in situations where he's gonna demonstrate his illness: the toys compultion (how's that for a reminder).

They went shopping tonight. I don't know about you but when you're waiting, like, forever and you go at Renaud-Bray, you can expect the slap in the face! He was going in for magazines and dvd movies but didn't find anything interesting. So intead of walking out, he started to look around. The unexpected was the fact that there's a whole new toy department just for kids in there with books, cd's, dvd's, books for parents, dolls, building blocs, matchbox cars ... Name it! It's all there. One thing they don't have though is trolleys and that's a good thing; because he problably would have filled two or three of thoses with some random junk that I don't even like to play with. I'm sure he'll be back to the store soon, there's just too much stuff and selection to walk by and not go in.

Mommy said that they'll stay away from the Toys'r'us. Last time they went, they were just as excited as the other kids, running everywhere in the alleys, pointing at stuff they wanted to buy, arguing about what is more educational and what is not, calculating the cost of my crib and everything they will try to fit in my new room... Theses guys are waiting for me, driving themselves allmost mad - to the point where I do believe it's getting unhealthy - and I don't think anyone can do anything about it. (or will...)

Maybe because they know they have to wait an unbearable 16 months; the fact that they're so far away from the gotcha day. Or maybe because they just submitted the file to *ccaa* creating this unreal obsession about planning everything they can possibly think of... to occupy their minds since they didn't seem to have found anything else better to do. Nothing else to do, helplessly waiting, they have all the time in the world. I sincerely hope it's not going to be like this all summer 'cus they won't last - they will not get through to next christmas... God have mercy on their souls!


Enfants de chine said...

Bonne Année du cochon que l'attente se fasse plus courte, et que Dora et Diego envahissent le sol et les murs de la maison pour t'accueillir à ton arrivée ma petite Kaylie.
Le temps passe plus vite qu'on ne le pense parfois

Linda et Stef xx said...

Bonjour à vous!

Merci, pour votre message sur mon blog. Oui, il est très mignon et très gentil!!

Je m'excuse mais je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais. C'est dommage car j'aurais aimé lire votre blog.

Quelle est votre date d'enregistrement en Chine?

Au plaisir de se reparler!!



Gabrielle, Nicolas, Josée & Frédéric said...

Bonne Année du Cochon!

Pauvre papa, il me fait penser à moi durant cette interminable attente. Il faut rester ZEN (Ça c'est ce qu'il disent dans les livres. Moi j'ai pas été capable...)
À tout le moins, je vous souhaite que cette attente soit le plus court possible.

Frédéric, Josée & Gabrielle.
(Qui ont aussi visiter la pyramide de Coba...)

Anonymous said...


Tout d'abord, merci pour vos messages sur notre blog. C'est toujours plaisant de savoir que nous ne sommes pas seuls dans l'attente.

De notre côté, c'est notre deuxième adoption, donc nous avons déjà une belle petite puce pour nous aider à patienter.

Je vous ai ajouté dans mes favoris.

Nous avons un autre blog pour notre première adoption. Voici l'adresse si ça vous intéresse.



Nancy, Martin & Alixane